Do You Have:
- • A written Pesticide Training Program
- • A written Respirator Program
- • A compliant pesticide storage area
- • MSDS sheets for all pesticides
Do You:
- • Provide annual pesticide training for handlers and fieldworkers
- • Train handlers to ALL pesticide labels that are used
- • Provide annual respirator training
- • Provide respirator program review & fit-testing
- • Post pesticide application specific information for all employees
- • Provide decontamination site for employees
If the answer to any of these questions is no, then it is time to call Cal Ag Safety. We specialize in the creation of customized written DPR programs that include:
- • Set-up and updating of headquarters pesticide files
- • Any written programs needed for you specific operation
- • Application specific information format
- • Notification record requirements
- • Monitoring inspection records
We then provide all of the training's outlined in your plan to ensure that it is fully up-to-date and compliant. Some of these training's include:
- • Annual pesticide training for both handlers and fieldworkers
- • Respirator fit-testing and usage training